Chasity Weiner, Regional Director of Managed Care
Chasity Weiner
I was born and raised in Northeast Georgia and am happily married with two children, a boy and a girl. I started my career as a certified phlebotomist, working in geriatrics, pediatrics, and family medicine. I went to school to become a certified medical assistant and began working with Psychiatric Professionals of Georgia (PPG) over three years ago. While employed at PPG I attended school for medical billing and coding and am a certified professional biller. After completing school and many months of on-the-job training, I moved into the position of Director of Managed Care, and I truly love it. I have always been the caretaker in my family and am pleasantly surprised every day at how much compassion and empathy I am able to utilize in the billing arena. I am still able to relate to our patients personally and financially and help them to manage the financial portion of their behavioral health journey.